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Treatment of Glaucoma

A 52 years old diabetic, hypertensive female was having intraocular pressure of 20 in both of her eyes. On digging deeper we found she was having a family history of Glaucoma (called as ” Mitho Zamar” in Gujarati). The routine examination did not reveal any kind of symptoms. The intraocular pressure was 20 in both of her eyes and the angles were open. On doing perimetry the visual defects in the optic nerve came to the light. The damage was increasing and if it continued to increase in that pace there would be a possibility of permanent loss of vision.

Our primary aim in such severe cases of Glaucoma is to stop further damage and save as much as we can. We immediately put the patient on anti-glaucoma drops which helped to maintain the pressure in her eye to 15mmHg.

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