ICL Surgery

ICL Surgery

What is an ICL (Implantable collamer lens) surgery?

ICL eye surgery can eliminate or reduce the need for glasses or contact lenses. This is also a possible alternative for people who can’t get laser eye surgery. An ICL is a artificial lens that’s permanently implanted in the eye.

This lens is used to treat:

  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • Astigmatism

ICL Surgery in Vadodara

Implanting an ICL requires surgery. In this process the lens are placed between the eye’s natural lens and coloured iris. The lens works with the eye’s existing lens to bend (refract) light on the retina, which produces clearer vision.

ICL is made of plastic and a collagen called collamer. It’s a type of phakic introcular lens. “Phakic” refers to how the lens is placed in the eye without taking out the natural lens.

Though ICL surgery isn’t necessary to correct vision problems, it can eliminate or reduce the need for glasses or contact lenses.

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How ICL surgery performed?

The procedure is done by an expert eye surgeon. Generally, here’s what happens :

  • The implant surgery is quick and painless, lasting only about 20 -3- minutes. You might be given a mild sedative to help you relax. You might also get an injection around the eye to temporarily stop you from moving it.
  • The area around your eyes will be cleaned and a sterile drape may be applied around your eye. Eye drops or a local anaesthetic will be used to numb your eyes. When your eye is completely numb, an eyelid speculum will be placed between your eyelids to keep you from blinking during the procedure.
  • A small incision is made in your eye to put a lubricant to protect your cornea.
  • The ICL is inserted through the incision. The lens is very thin, so it might be folded then unfolded in the eye.
  • Eye surgeon will remove the lubricant. Depending on the incision, they might close the opening with small stitches.
  • They’ll put eye drops or ointment in the eye, then cover it with an eye patch.

Benefits of having an Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL)

In addition to improved vision, there are numerous benefits of an ICL :

  • It can fix severe nearsightedness that can’t be corrected with other surgeries.
  • The lens is less likely to cause dry eyes, which is ideal if your eyes are chronically dry.
  • It’s meant to be permanent but can be removed.
  • The lens provides great night vision.
  • Recovery is usually quick because tissue isn’t removed.
  • People who can’t get laser eye surgery might be good candidates for ICL.

After Surgery Procedures

After, you’ll be taken to a recovery room where you’ll be closely monitored for a few hours. Doctor might prescribe eye drops or oral medication for the pain. You can go home the same day, but you’ll need to have a ride.

You’ll have a follow-up appointment the next day. Eye surgeon will examine the eye and check on your progress.

The recovery time is short and the results of the surgery are almost immediate. Most patients resume normal activities within a week.

Book an Appointment


    Who is a Good Candidate for ICL Surgery?

    • Are between 21 and 60 years old
    • Are near-sighted with mild to severe myopia (-0.5D to -20D)
    • Are farsighted with mild to severe hyperopia (+0.5D to +10.0D)
    • Have astigmatism between 0.5 and 6.0 D
    • Have not had a change in prescription of more than .5D in a year
    • Are looking for a procedure that doesn’t create dry eye syndrome

    What can a patient expect during the surgery?

    • Easy 20-30 minute procedure
    • Pre-Op Eye Exam
      • Before your schedule for your ICL appointment your doctor will perform a series of standard tests to measure your eye`s unique characteristics for the procedure. If you are farsighted, your doctor may recommend or schedule an additional pre-op procedure.
    • Eye Drops Administered
      • When you arrive for your procedure your doctor will administer eye drops to dilate your pupils as well as anaesthetise your eyes.
    • Small Incision
      • To prepare for the implant your doctor will create one small opening at the base of your cornea to insert the ICL lens. The procedure is painless because of the numbing medication.
    • Lens Insertion & Positioning
      • The ICL lens then can be folded and inserted through the small incision your doctor has made. Once the lens is inserted the doctor will make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper positioning in the eye.
    • Final Step
      • At this point the procedure is over and many will have improved vision nearly immediately. Your doctor will prescribe more eye drops intended to clean your eyes and prevent infection following the procedure. You will need someone to drive you home, your doctor will tell you when your vision allows driving.
    • Post Op & Check-Up
      • Your eyes will continue to improve over the next 48 hours as they adjust and heal from the procedure. You should not rub your eyes for three to five days. Your doctor will schedule a follow up exam and tell you when you can drive, but you should be able to quickly return to your normal daily activities.

    How much does ICL Surgery Cost?

    ICL Surgery cost depending upon consultation with an expert eye surgeon, they will provide you with actual cost depending upon your eye condition & eye examination.

    How much do glasses and contacts lens cost?

    On an average Rs. 5,00,000 over a lifetime (Assuming 30-39 years old & type of contact lenses and glasses)

    ICL is a long-term solution, your costs are fixed to a one-time fee. When you compare with the long-term costs of glasses and contacts lenses, ICL pays for itself.

    *Costs are estimates provided for comparison purposes only.