Cool weather, muddy puddles, and greener gardens are all welcome signs of the monsoon. But with the fluctuations in temperature and humidity levels come a different set of problems: water-borne diseases, stomach problems, and particularly, eye infections... Read More
Eye fatigue can be caused by a variety of factors. In today’s world, we suffer from strained eyes as a result of our work environment, which is now primarily desk work with a lot of screen watching and minimal physical activity or exercise... Read More
To avoid complications, as with any surgery, you should always follow your doctor’s instructions. Fortunately, LASIK procedure has a relatively rapid recovery period. There are, however, certain critical steps to take to guarantee good healing. Knowing what kind of follow-up care you’ll need will help you obtain better outcomes.
Many people believe their eyesight is great until they obtain their first pair of glasses or contact lenses. The fine print or street signs that were easily visible in our younger years seem to blur as we age. It is critical to have a healthy eyesight for a healthy life. That’s why regular eye exams are important to detect the presence of any eye disorders.
LASIK or laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis is a corrective vision surgery that corrects eye problems. People who get LASIK surgery don’t have to use contact lenses and glasses as much. LASIK surgery reshapes the cornea. It improves the way light rays are focused on the retina.