Allergic conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is one of the most common diseases these days. Children and young adults make up the majority of the patients. Much of this increasing incidence of allergies can be due to exposure to environmental pollutants, dust, smoke, pollen or animal hairs. These substances are widely present all around us, especially during sprin.. Read More
Excessive production of tears from the eyes results in a condition called epiphora or watery eyes. Although tears provide lubrication, nourishment, and maintain the health of the front surface of the eye, too many of them can interfere with our vision and limit our ability to see clearly ..Read More
Having healthy eyes is paramount – and any eye-related problems should be taken seriously. The majority of people wait to get a checkup until they have an issue with their vision. However, the severity of vision deficits can be avoided if they are detected early through routine eye exams ..Read More
If you’re developing cataracts, your eyesight may become blurry. Diabetics are more likely to get cataracts at a younger age than normal individuals. Cataracts cause the lens of your eyes to become cloudy. Common symptoms include blurred vision and glare, double vision.. Read More
A refractive error is a frequent vision problem. Refractive errors happen when the eye cannot focus light properly on the retina. The cause could be the length of the eyeball, changes in the shape of the cornea, or ageing of the lens.. Read More